Lin Hong's TECH Blog! 刀不磨要生锈,人不学习要落后 - Thinking ahead

Oracle Some Tips for Expdp/Impdp


Oracle Some Tips for Expdp/Impdp

Some tips ….

Export some tables or schema

expdp test01/test01 directory=out_dir dumpfile=t1_t2.dump tables=(t1,t2)

Use "content" to control whether it is export table ddl and records or not include records.
In exp/imp , it will used "rows=n" to control it.

expdp test01/test01 directory=out_dir dumpfile=t1_t2.dump tables=(t1,t2) query='t1":where 1=2"'
--> if the records are huge, it will take much time to execute it.
In this time, it's recommondated that using "execlude".

expdp test01/test01 directory=out_dir dumpfile=t1_t2.dump tables=(t1,t2) execlude=table/table_data:\"=\'T1\'\"

For partition table: p1:partition p1 p2:partition p2
expdp test01/test01 directory=out_dir dumpfile=t1_t2.dump tables=(t1,t2) execlude=table/table_data:\"=\(\'P1\',\'P2\'\)\"



To be continue….

Have a good life! 2018/06 via LinHong

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